
Règles jouées

Voici la liste des règles que je joue régulièrement.

1.  Fantastique
i.  Conan
ii. Rangers of Shadow Deep

iii. Five Leagues from the Borderlands

iv.  Fantastic Battles 

v.  Battlelore Mythologie

2.  Antiquité et Médiévale :
i. Banner War

ii.   Saga
iii.  Command & Colors Ancients

3.  1er Empire :
i.   Tactique
ii.  Soldiers of Napoleon

4.  XVII siècle :
i.  Irregular Wars

5.  Grand XIXème siècle :
i.  Setting the East Ablaze
ii. Pulp Alley
iii.  Désastres Coloniaux
iv.  Square Bashing
v.  Principles of War (POW)

6.  XXème siècle :
i.  Blitzkrieg
ii.  AK47
iii.  Battlegroup Northag

7.  XXIème siècle et au-delà
i.  Flying Lead / Five Parsecs from Home
ii.  Black Ops 

Solo Wargaming Program

i.  The War of Sinkiang 1921-  (Setting the East Ablaze)
Yang Zengxin having opened up the way to Turfan, and reinforced it, the second phase has come to an end.

The Armée de Dieu will therefore be convinced by Yang Zengxin to head along the north road.  Update all the leaders objectives (libellé "Armées") to take into account these recent events.

Write the next scenario (which will be obvious once the different objectives are laid out).


ii.  Five Parsecs from Home (Flying Lead on the 5PFH Campaign System)

The aim is to continue on Martin's Fault, until the first Quest begins.  It is linked to the news coming out of the star system known as The Threads, and the dramatic crisis unfolding there after mysterious EM pulses hit it.  Initially the Quest will allow the crew to gather information, before they finally head off-world...for The Threads is L.T's home system.
The idea is to write a Story Track, which will allow me to sprinkle tailored scenarios among those generated by 5PFH.  I will replace Patrons with Factions, far more suitable to the events unfolding.
iii.  The World of Hyboria (Conan)
Play the first scenario of Pillar of the North 
I have chosen the scenarios that seem ideal to adapt to this campaign, as follows : Les Amants d'Asgalun, Sedition, Le Trésor de Tranicos, An Ape Several Kegs and a Girl, Au Nom d'Ibis, For the Blood of a Barbarian, Death from the North
Add a description of Ardon to the Places of Interest, basing it upon Ronda (integrating the two parts of the town, a troglodyte population in cohabitation, the idea of the Pillar of the North and rivalry from Hyperborean but also Nemedian lords).
Write the seventh and ultimate scenario of the Veiled One, which will see the heroes on the battlefield of the Shamla Pass (deploying my "Battlelore Mythology" units for an epic feel), trying to reach Natohk so as to use on him the Mitra artefacts they found under his temple.


iv.  The Tungan Uprising 1865-1878 (Désastres Coloniaux)
Playtest Désastres Coloniaux, as all the material is now ready.  Also improve the blog with photos and more army lists

v.  Red Barricades 1942 (Advanced Squad Leader)
Prepare Day 3
Play Day 3

vi.  Pyrrhus (Banner War)
What will definitely be the last battle of the campaign - victory or defeat automatically meaning the same thing for the campaign, is completely ready to play.  Battle of the Crimisos, Summer -275.

vii.  Five Leagues from the Borderland
In the world of the Jungle Deep.
viii. Battlegroup Northag
Just playing unconnected battles, using my 6mm forces

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