Welcome / Bienvenu

This blog drags together, into one swirling maelstrom of crackling energy, my various wargames interests. There are links on the top right to my other blogs, each more calmly dedicated to one particular gaming universe.

I post on Fridays. The idea is that when I post a painted figure, it stays up for two weeks; a battle report, a terrain project, or a few lines on whatever happens to be the whim of the moment, is up for a week.

The pages at the top of the blog contain historical information on the periods that interest me. They are primarily an aid to my poor memory, and not meant to be in any way exhaustive, nor necessarily correct.

I hope this blog offers you much enjoyment and some inspiration !

jeudi 7 novembre 2019


The artwork for Monolith's Bêlit is just stunning.  Nobody is going to believe me, but what I love the most is her facial expression.  I just love that moody, introspective look.  You see, you don't believe me !

Fortunately, Mierce have some beautiful minis, for which the concept artwork is pretty drop dead beautiful too.

So it was Aethelglyth that I chose to represent Bêlit.  I should point out that I am not trying to paint Bêlit per se, this figure will simply use her card during games of Conan.  Which is why I've painted a blond warrior maiden of the North rather than a dark-haired corsair of Shem.  By pure coincidence (or is it ?) both have that moody look, although I don't think Aethelglyth will be quite so introspective when she sticks that axe in your head.

This is how she turned out :

What do you think ?

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