A bit of speed-painting this week (well, speedy for me, everything is relative...).
You can never have enough undead (especially if you play Rangers of Shadow Deep or Conan), and I, gasp, don't have any skeletons in my wargames cupboard.
When a chum gave me a bunch of GW sprues he couldn't get around to, I made up 18 of the fellows. This is the test figure for the speed paint job.
A brown undercoat, then a quick white zenithal spray without worrying about splatters or texture. No care taken dry-brushed PA Ivory Bone, a bit of colour slapped on the various bits and pieces (harness, shield, axe,..).
A glaze of GW Sepia over the whole lot.
A bit more care on the front side, with some PA Neon Yellow (gone back over with Sepia Glaze on the ribs), some rough edge highlighting on the axe, shield rim and harness, a bit of spot-highlighting here and there, and to finish it all off some don't-look-too-closely-please OSL.
Base is an Agate Royal Navy drybrush, Aggaros Dunes Contrast, and then varying amounts of Nazdpeg Yellow Contrast (later figures with more than here, as it sets off the Neon Yellow nicely), Biel-Tan Green Shade and Druchi Violet Shade for a bit of depth. A black outline completes it.
Varnish is Matt with Medium, with Satin on the Neon Yellow bits.
There you have it. I think he looks menacingly serviceable, and his 17 ex-colleagues can be whacked out between other paint jobs. Then they'll all die (re-die ?) within 30 seconds of arriving on the battlefield. Oh well.
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