Welcome / Bienvenu

This blog drags together, into one swirling maelstrom of crackling energy, my various wargames interests. There are links on the top right to my other blogs, each more calmly dedicated to one particular gaming universe.

I post on Fridays. The idea is that when I post a painted figure, it stays up for two weeks; a battle report, a terrain project, or a few lines on whatever happens to be the whim of the moment, is up for a week.

The pages at the top of the blog contain historical information on the periods that interest me. They are primarily an aid to my poor memory, and not meant to be in any way exhaustive, nor necessarily correct.

I hope this blog offers you much enjoyment and some inspiration !

dimanche 7 mai 2023

Chipmunk Mage

Another Dark Sword anthro, I just loved this fellow and so my daughter offered it to me for Christmas.  Not last Xmas, the one before, I'm catching up on the lead mountain as you can see !



I used my newfound attention to basing to contribute to the back story on this character.  As a thaumaturge, life is attracted to him and blossoms around him.  I made the little bugs out of the silicon bits that come with new shoes, the centipede is a piece of necklace chain, and the butterfly-thingies are made out of leaf scatter and two tiny bits of twig.  Better not sneeze while playing with this fellow.

Best thing about painting anthros is that inspiration requires looking at lots of animal pics...and chipmunks are soooooo cute.

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