This is a Crocodile Games figure that I have had for years. A painting challenge in my local club - we had to paint "someone or something famous" gave me a good excuse to finally apply some paint to it !
This is a beautiful figure. After watching some very informative internet tutos, I've been trying to paint marble recently. I decided I would do that on the base, and then thought, hey, what about some marbled skin ?
Btw, I took photos on both a white and black background, to see which would turn out the best. Might as well post them all here, as the difference is quite interesting. The black background seems to bring out the best in what is a quite highly contrasted figure, but the black background on the third photo drowns the NMM on the khopesh, the "adjust to black" button perhaps causing the highlight on the NMM to "overload". I don't really know, I'm no photographer.
At a fairly late stage, I decided not to use the cloak the figure comes with, as it dwarfed the figure. The cloak, which is huge and billowing in the wind, would have made a very nice paint job, but in that case I would have spent a lot less time on the figure itself.
I went with a lot of pink and orange to contrast the grey skin. All the metallics are NMM. As ever with Crocodile Games figures, there are tons of small details, including something like a dozen gemstones....
The shield came out of my bits box. By miracle it had exactly the right curvature to cover up the area the cloak would attach to. It almost looks like part of the armour !
A lovely figure to paint, I really enjoyed it. Hope you like it too.
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