The month of April totally sucks. I basically spend it at work, and when (and if) I get home, I rarely have much energy to paint.
I have nonetheless managed to paint a grand total of one figure this month (ooooo).
It is one of Dark Sword Miniatures most excellent anthropomorphs. My youngest daughter chose her, and I admit I wasn't much taken by the figure at the first. Then as happens, I suddenly warmed to it, and got the brushes out.
I am most pleased with the paint job (hey, something good has to come out of stupid April). I tried a new technique, painting highlights in a different colour to the base colour, and then using a glaze. For example, pink highlights on brown, followed by a Seraphim Sepia glaze. This seems to have given a pleasant crisp finish to the mini.
The base is a total plagiary, I lifted it from the official paint job on the DSM site. As they say, imitation is the highest form of flattery, I just liked what they did so much, I simply gave up trying to think of anything else.
This will be a character for Rangers of Shadow Deep, someone I'll arm with long range spells as she cannot be lugging that cauldron around the battefield ! The name Angadrême is that of the patron saint of a small town in France that I recently visited. She had the power to tame fire, which I liked, and the sort of name I would have given to one of my daughters, if only my wife did not have Ultimate Power of Veto.
Since painting has not been much of an option, I have used some spare time to first order some new anthros, and then clean them up and prime them. I now have over thirty in the paint queue. To my traditional Dark Sword Miniatures, I have added some Alkemy, a smattering of Briskars, a Bushido mini, and a hefty dose of Oathsworn. The latter were a very pleasant surprise indeed, more on that later as they will be among the first to go under the paintbrush.
Which will be in May of course. 'Cos as I said, bloody April....
Cute, gorgeous...but not apetizing!😉 Greetings from France!
RépondreSupprimerThanks Phil !