Named after our household cat, this Dark Sword Minis roadside fortune teller, will make a great character for Rangers of Shadow Deep.
I'd be tempted to cook up a new companion class, a Fateteller, that comes with three spells that somehow involve looking into the future. For example, knowing what the next two event cards will be and swapping them around; being able to roll two dice, choose one for the foe and one for the heroes, and decide just ahead of an action when each will be used, that sort of thing.
Or I could seek inspiration in the real life model : Wail of Hunger (Will Test TN16, if failed immediately double move towards designated target point within 3" of Princess); That's My Chair (Perception Test TN30, on next activation may only move towards second closest piece of furniture) and Who are You Looking At (Will Test TN20, if failed move back 3" and turn 180 degrees).
Miaou que c'est beau!