Welcome / Bienvenu

This blog drags together, into one swirling maelstrom of crackling energy, my various wargames interests. There are links on the top right to my other blogs, each more calmly dedicated to one particular gaming universe.

I post on Fridays. The idea is that when I post a painted figure, it stays up for two weeks; a battle report, a terrain project, or a few lines on whatever happens to be the whim of the moment, is up for a week.

The pages at the top of the blog contain historical information on the periods that interest me. They are primarily an aid to my poor memory, and not meant to be in any way exhaustive, nor necessarily correct.

I hope this blog offers you much enjoyment and some inspiration !

jeudi 23 janvier 2025

It Figures on Instagram

I finally decided to start an Instagram account, to post about my painting and wargaming activities.  You can find me @ it_figures__  (two underscores at the end).  I would be most chuffed to see you subscribe, let me know what your own accounts are so I can sign up for them.


Je me suis lancé récemment sur Instagram, pour poster des photos de mes figurines et mes activités ludiques.  Vous pouvez me retrouver @ it_figures__  (deux tirés du 8 à la fin).  Abonnez-vous, cela me fera plaisir, et faites-moi connaître vos comptes Insta en retour.


Je poursuivrai ce blog en parallèle, du moins pour le moment, je verrai ensuite si c'est pratique ou pas.  Quoi qu'il en soit, mes blogs "univers", pour lequel le format blog est le seul faisable, continueront tous.

I will keep up this blog as well, for the moment, I'll wait and see what I will do further down the road.  In any case, my "universe" blogs will definitely continue, as the blog format is ideal for them.

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