This is a 200 pt army for Art de la Guerre.
There are in all 75 Foot, 11 Cavalry, plus a camp and fortifications which I'll throw in for free.
There are also two extra bases of archers (see the end of the post) which I'll add in for free, as they don't perfectly match the rest of the army and are of a lower painting standard.
is to a good standard for foot and quite elaborate for the cavalry,
so I consider the Foot at €1,75 ; Cavalry at €3,00
So asking price is 165 euros, plus postage.
In more detail, the army weighs in at 201 pts, which can be adjusted with various options as follows :
- Make up to four Foot Knights Elite (+8 pts)
- Add stakes to the archers (+6 pts)
- Make the Irish Kerns Elite (+2 pts)
- Fortify the camp (+6 pts)
- Add the two free bases of archers to bring them up to 8 bases in all (+22 pts, +2 pts if archers have stakes)
The armour makes it an army appropriate for the period around 1400-1450.
All figures are Essex Miniatures, except for the Archers who are Corvus Belli. There is a noticeable difference in size between the two manufacturers, so you can't mix them on the same base, but they mix well in an army.
All bases are magnetised. Heavy infantry is on a 40mm x 40mm base, cavalry on 40 x 30mm.
armed infantry are 5 per base, as I prefer the look of two staggered
lines rather than the second line seeming to shoot the front line in the
back of the head !
The camp is on a 120mm x 80mm bases; the fortifications are 40mm lengths.
Knights banners are paper.
3 English and Gascon Knights (9 Mounted)
Chevalier Lourd (ou Impétueux) (36 pts)
6 English Foot Knights (32 Foot)
Chevalier à pied (72 pts)
Option : make 4 Elite (+8 pts)
6 Longbowmen (30 Foot)
To my mind, 3 of them are "English" and 3 "Welsh", which is why they have different equipment and liveries.
Archer arc long élite (66 pts)
Option : Stakes (+6 pts)
Kerns (5 Foot)
Infanterie légère javelot (8 pts)
Option : Elite (+2 pts)
Brigans (8 Foot)
Depicted looting, posturing or sleeping. Chaps you can rely on !
Fantassin moyen médiocre (10 pts)
Generals (3 Mounted)
Depending on ratings up to 9 pts
I play my English army with all generals as "included". However this might not be everybody's cup of tea, so these 3 additional knights can be rebased as Generals. I can do it for you, if you like, although I cannot guarantee I will be able to reproduce the exact tone of the other bases.
The Camp
Camp (0 pts)
Option : Fortified (+6 pts)
Longbowmen learn to mow down Frenchmen by shooting at dummies. Nuff said (just kidding of course).
The ponies are a "clin d'oeil" to the fact that in DBM, which I played before AdG, English longbow could be deployed as mounted infantry, to the great annoyance of the foe ; )
Additional archers (10 Foot)
As mentioned above, these are thrown in for free, as they are a majority of Essex and don't look as good as they could alongside the other archers, which are Corvus Belli. If you incorporate them in the army (which you easily can, I'm just being fixated about it), you have an extra 22 pts (24 if you add stakes).
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