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This blog drags together, into one swirling maelstrom of crackling energy, my various wargames interests. There are links on the top right to my other blogs, each more calmly dedicated to one particular gaming universe.

I post on Fridays. The idea is that when I post a painted figure, it stays up for two weeks; a battle report, a terrain project, or a few lines on whatever happens to be the whim of the moment, is up for a week.

The pages at the top of the blog contain historical information on the periods that interest me. They are primarily an aid to my poor memory, and not meant to be in any way exhaustive, nor necessarily correct.

I hope this blog offers you much enjoyment and some inspiration !

mardi 4 mars 2025

For Sale : AdG 226 French Hundred Years War

This is a 200 pt army for Art de la Guerre.

There are in all 70 Foot, 20 Cavalry and 1 Guns, plus a camp and fortifications which I'll throw in for free.

Painting is to a decent standard for foot and quite elaborate for the cavalry, so I consider the Foot at €1,50  ;  Cavalry and Guns at €3,00

So asking price is 170 euros, plus postage.


In more detail, the army weighs in at 187 pts, which can be adjusted with various options as follows :

-  French Knights : render them Elite (which you really should !) (+12 pts)

-  French Foot Knights : render them Elite (which you really should !) (+4 pts)

-  French Crossbows : render them Mediocre (-4 pts)

-  Genoese Crossbows : render them Elite (+2 pts)

-  Voulgiers : give them Armour (+4 pts)

-  Fortify the camp (+6 pts)

The armour and also the options makes it an army appropriate for the period around 1400-1450.

All figures are Essex Miniatures.

All bases are magnetised. Heavy infantry is on a 40mm x 40mm base, cavalry on 40 x 30mm.

Distance-weapon armed infantry are 5 per base, as I prefer the look of two staggered lines rather than the second line seeming to shoot the front line in the back of the head !

The camp is made up of two separate tents; the fortifications are 40mm lengths.

Knights banners are paper.


2 Generals (2 Mounted)

I always play the third general as Included 

If you don't like that idea, I can provide you free of charge with a spare Heavy Cavalryman (Sergent à cheval), which you can swap out with a knight on any base (Knights typically rode into combat with their Sergents in the second rank, so nothing strange about it) to give you the third general.  I can do it for you, if you want, although I can't guarantee I can get the bases exactly the same tone.

Depending on ratings, up to 6 pts

 6 Knights (18 Mounted)

Chevalier Lourd Impétueux (yes ! you English pig dogs, I fart in your general direction !  Your mother smelt of elderberries and this tactics stuff is for morons !)  (72 pts)

Option 1 : Elite (+12 pts)

Option 2 : swap out 2 as Mercenary Knights Chevalier Lourd Impact (+2 pts)



2 Foot Knights (9 Foot)

Chevalier à pied (24 pts)

Option : Elite (+4 pts)


2 Voulgiers (14 Foot)

Fantassin Lourd A2M (18 pts)

Option : Armure (+4 pts)


2 French Crossbowmen (10 Foot)

Arbalétrier (14 pts)

Option : Mediocre (-4 pts)


1 Genoese Crossbowmen (5 Foot)

Arbalétrier (7 pts)

Option : Elite (+2 pts)



4 Crossbowmen (Light Inf)

Infanterie légère arbalète (16 pts)


4 Brigans (24 Foot)

Fantassin Moyen Médiocre (20 pts)


1 Artillerie (3 Crew, 1 Gun)

Artilllerie lourde (10 pts)


The Camp

Camp (0 pts)

Option : Fortified (+6 pts)






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