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This blog drags together, into one swirling maelstrom of crackling energy, my various wargames interests. There are links on the top right to my other blogs, each more calmly dedicated to one particular gaming universe.

I post on Fridays. The idea is that when I post a painted figure, it stays up for two weeks; a battle report, a terrain project, or a few lines on whatever happens to be the whim of the moment, is up for a week.

The pages at the top of the blog contain historical information on the periods that interest me. They are primarily an aid to my poor memory, and not meant to be in any way exhaustive, nor necessarily correct.

I hope this blog offers you much enjoyment and some inspiration !

mardi 4 mars 2025

For sale : AdG 231 Hundred Years War Burgundians (1400-1450)

This is a 200 pt army for Art de la Guerre.

There are in all 95 Foot, 17 Cavalry and 2 Guns, plus a camp and fortifications which I'll throw in for free.

Painting is to a decent standard for foot and quite elaborate for the cavalry, so I consider the Foot at €1,50  ;  Cavalry and Guns at €3,00

So asking price is 200 euros, plus postage.


In more detail, the army weighs in at 199 pts, which can be adjusted with various options as follows :

-  Flemish Crossbow : render them Mediocre (-8 pts)

-  Make the Valets d'Armes Heavy Cavalry (+2 pts)

-  Make the Burgundian Knights Elite (+4 pts)

-  Fortify the camp (+6 pts)

The armour makes it an army appropriate for the period around 1400-1450.  If you play before 1430 (according to the army list), you will have to remove the Light Artillery (-6 pts).  The army list rates Flemish infantry as "Spearmen" before 1450, but that it a truly odd choice, they had been using pikes for over a century already.  I use pike-armed figures, but rate them as the list does and just assume it represents a lack of training, discipline, enthusiasm or cohesion.

All figures are Essex Miniatures.

All bases are magnetised. Heavy infantry is on a 40mm x 40mm base, the Flemish Pike deeper, cavalry on 40 x 30mm.

Distance-weapon armed infantry are 5 per base, as I prefer the look of two staggered lines rather than the second line seeming to shoot the front line in the back of the head !

The camp is on a 120mm x 80mm bases; the fortifications are 40mm lengths.

Knights banners are generally paper, but some are hand-painted metal.

Yes, those recurring Burgundian flags and motifs are all hand painted...still having nightmares about it...


3 Generals (3 Mounted)

Depending on ratings, up to 9 pts


4 Burgundian Knights (12 Mounted)

Chevalier Lourd [option Impétueux] (48 pts)

Option Elite for 2 max (+4 pts)

1 Valets d'Armes (3 Mounted)

Cavalerie Moyenne Impact (8 pts)

Option Lourde (+2 pts)


1 Italian or German Mercenaries (2 Mounted)

Cavalerie légère arbalète (6 pts)

6 Picardy Archers (30 Foot)

Archer arc long (54 pts)


4 Flemish Crossbowmen (20 Foot)

Arbalétrier (28 pts)

Option Médiocre (-8 pts)


3 Flemish Pikemen (36 Foot)

Lancier Lourd ou Phalange Médiocre (24 pts)

2 Peasants (9 Foot)

Levée (6 pts)


2 Heavy and light artillery (6 Crew, 2 Guns)

Artillerie lourde (10 pts)

Artillerie légère (6 pts)



 The Camp

Camp (0 pts)

Option : Fortified (+6 pts)

The camp represents the Count of Charolais (the Duke's son) leading a religious procession to watch a staged duel between Burgundian knights and a mean-looking Turk.  In the procession are high-ranking nobles disguised as fantastical creatures (from some fantasy range I have forgotten the name of), no doubt chanting psalms as they advance behind their leader.  Various townsfolk and peasants look on in wonder.


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