This is a 200 pt army for Art de la Guerre.
There are in all 95 Foot, 17 Cavalry and 2 Guns, plus a camp and fortifications which I'll throw in for free.
Painting is to a decent standard for foot and quite elaborate for the cavalry, so I consider the Foot at €1,50 ; Cavalry and Guns at €3,00
So asking price is 200 euros, plus postage.
In more detail, the army weighs in at 199 pts, which can be adjusted with various options as follows :
- Flemish Crossbow : render them Mediocre (-8 pts)
- Make the Valets d'Armes Heavy Cavalry (+2 pts)
- Make the Burgundian Knights Elite (+4 pts)
- Fortify the camp (+6 pts)
The armour makes it an army appropriate for the period around 1400-1450. If you play before 1430 (according to the army list), you will have to remove the Light Artillery (-6 pts). The army list rates Flemish infantry as "Spearmen" before 1450, but that it a truly odd choice, they had been using pikes for over a century already. I use pike-armed figures, but rate them as the list does and just assume it represents a lack of training, discipline, enthusiasm or cohesion.
All figures are Essex Miniatures.
All bases are magnetised. Heavy infantry is on a 40mm x 40mm base, the Flemish Pike deeper, cavalry on 40 x 30mm.
Distance-weapon armed infantry are 5 per base, as I prefer the look of two staggered lines rather than the second line seeming to shoot the front line in the back of the head !
The camp is on a 120mm x 80mm bases; the fortifications are 40mm lengths.
Knights banners are generally paper, but some are hand-painted metal.
Yes, those recurring Burgundian flags and motifs are all hand painted...still having nightmares about it...
3 Generals (3 Mounted)
Depending on ratings, up to 9 pts
4 Burgundian Knights (12 Mounted)
Chevalier Lourd [option Impétueux] (48 pts)
Option Elite for 2 max (+4 pts)
1 Valets d'Armes (3 Mounted)
Cavalerie Moyenne Impact (8 pts)
Option Lourde (+2 pts)
1 Italian or German Mercenaries (2 Mounted)
Cavalerie légère arbalète (6 pts)
6 Picardy Archers (30 Foot)
Archer arc long (54 pts)
4 Flemish Crossbowmen (20 Foot)
Arbalétrier (28 pts)
Option Médiocre (-8 pts)
3 Flemish Pikemen (36 Foot)
Lancier Lourd ou Phalange Médiocre (24 pts)
2 Peasants (9 Foot)
Levée (6 pts)
2 Heavy and light artillery (6 Crew, 2 Guns)
Artillerie lourde (10 pts)
Artillerie légère (6 pts)
The Camp
Camp (0 pts)
Option : Fortified (+6 pts)
The camp represents the Count of Charolais (the Duke's son) leading a religious procession to watch a staged duel between Burgundian knights and a mean-looking Turk. In the procession are high-ranking nobles disguised as fantastical creatures (from some fantasy range I have forgotten the name of), no doubt chanting psalms as they advance behind their leader. Various townsfolk and peasants look on in wonder.
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